Dr. Barbara Peters presents Nutra soy protein at the XV Jornada de Pediatría of the Dominican Association of Pediatrics

25 de July, 2024

MercaSID participated in the XV Jornada de Pediatría de la Asociación Dominicana de Pediatría, which took place July 18-20, 2024 at the Renaissance Jaragua Hotel in Santo Domingo. In this event, MercaSID presented the Brazilian Barbara Peters Ph. D., doctor in nutrition, member of the Scientific Committee of the Latin American Alliance for Responsible Nutrition (ALANUR), Executive President of the International Life Science Institute of Brazil (ILSI – Brazil) who offered a conference and dialogues on the benefits of soy protein powder and the brand Nutra Milk.

Dr. Peters was present at the Nutra booth on Friday and Saturday to share her experience in infant feeding. Also, on Saturday, July 20, the expert gave a lecture during lunch at the La Fiesta Theater, entitled “Soy is healthy for children”. In this space, she provided detailed information on the subject and answered questions from approximately 900 pediatricians who attended the event.

A highly nutritious food

Leche Nutra, distributed by MercaSID, is a soy protein powder drink that provides a wide range of essential nutrients for the optimal development and well-being of children and adults. This drink is an excellent alternative for infant feeding, providing fundamental nutritional benefits for healthy growth and development. As it is made with soy protein isolate, whey and vegetable fat of high nutritional value, it provides essential vitamins and minerals for the body. Nutra has a varied portfolio that meets the needs of the Dominican family. Of these products we have lactose-free and two variants that are experts in child development: Nutra Junior and Nutra Junior DHA.

The presentation of Nutra and the participation of Dr. Peters in the XV Pediatrics Conference demonstrate the commitment of MercaSID to be a brand allied in the nutritional well-being of the whole family, by offering products with high nutritional value and inviting renowned personalities to give dialogues in favor of health. In this way, MercaSID continues working to promote the progress of the medical community in the Dominican Republic.

Barbara Santarosa Emo Peters, Ph. D.

Nutritionist. Specialist in Clinical Nutrition. PhD in Public Health from the University of São Paulo (USP). Post-doctorate in Clinical Endocrinology from the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), and in Nutrition and Public Health from USP. She is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the Latin American Alliance for Responsible Nutrition (ALANUR). Executive President of the International Life Science Institute of Brazil (ILSI – Brazil). Leader in Latin America for Clinical Innovation and Translation at IFF, supporting topics on functional ingredients.